Monday, April 13, 2015


AGARWOOD: Endangered Tree of High Economic Value
Description :

Agarwood is a kind of wood with various forms and specific color, contains fragrant resin content, originated from the tree or part of agarwood producing tree, as a consequence of infection process which occurs naturally or artificially on the Aquillaria tree sp. (Thymelaeaceae). Agarwood is exported to Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia.

Agarwood Trees
Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.) is an indigenous species of Indonesia. Some commercial agarwood species which have been cultivated are among others : Aquilaria malaccensis, A.microcarpa, A. beccariana, A. hirta, A. filaria and Gyrinops verstegii, and A. crassna originated from Cambodia.

The use of agarwood
Agarwood is one of the basic necessities of the community in the middle east countries. It is used for incense at ritual ceremonies. The community of Eastern Asia also uses it as Chinese incense. Agarwood oil is a very expensive and well-known raw material to be used in cosmetic industries such as for making perfume, soap, lotions, face cleaner and drugs such as for hepatitis, anti-allergy, cough, stomach ache, rheumatism, malaria, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, tonic, and aroma therapy.

Left to right: (a) Aquilaria filaria, (b) Aquilaria crassna, (c) Aquilaria microcarpa and (d) Aquilaria malaccensis

Agarwood classification
  1. ‘Abuk gaharu’ consists of: Super ‘abuk gaharu'; ‘Abuk gaharu kemendangan A’; ‘Kacang’; ‘Abuk gaharu kemendangan TGC’

  2. ‘Kemendangan’ consists of: ‘Kemendangan A, B, C, TGC, (BC); White ‘Kemendangan’; ‘Teri Kacang’ (floating)

  3. ‘Gubal gaharu’ consists of: Double Super; Super A; Super B; ‘Kacang’; ‘Teri B’; and ‘ Sabah’ (submerged).

Price of Agarwood 
The selling price of agarwood starts from Rp. 50,000.- up to 30 million/kg. While the price for agarwood oil usually obtained through distilling low class agarwood starts from Rp. 50,000 – 100,000.-/ml.

Business prospect of agarwood
The trade center for agarwood in Singapore marketed an amount of 2000 tons/year of agarwood. About 70% of the agarwood originated from Indonesia and the rest i.e. 30% from other Southeast Asian countries. The natural forest could not fulfill the demand for agarwood. As an alternative agarwood originated from cultivation supports continuously the need of the world community.
If one cultivated agarwood tree produces 10 kg of agarwood (all classes), then about 200,000 trees/year should be harvested in order to fulfill the demand.
AGARWOOD: Endangered Tree of High Economic Value
Description :
Agarwood is a kind of wood with various forms and specific color, contains fragrant resin content, originated from the tree or part of agarwood producing tree, as a consequence of infection process which occurs naturally or artificially on the Aquillaria tree sp. (Thymelaeaceae). Agarwood is exported to Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia.

Agarwood Trees
Agarwood (Aquilaria spp.) is an indigenous species of Indonesia. Some commercial agarwood species which have been cultivated are among others : Aquilaria malaccensis, A.microcarpa, A. beccariana, A. hirta, A. filaria and Gyrinops verstegii, and A. crassna originated from Cambodia.

The use of agarwood
Agarwood is one of the basic necessities of the community in the middle east countries. It is used for incense at ritual ceremonies. The community of Eastern Asia also uses it as Chinese incense. Agarwood oil is a very expensive and well-known raw material to be used in cosmetic industries such as for making perfume, soap, lotions, face cleaner and drugs such as for hepatitis, anti-allergy, cough, stomach ache, rheumatism, malaria, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer, tonic, and aroma therapy.

Left to right: (a) Aquilaria filaria, (b) Aquilaria crassna, (c) Aquilaria microcarpa and (d) Aquilaria malaccensis

Agarwood classification
  1. ‘Abuk gaharu’ consists of: Super ‘abuk gaharu'; ‘Abuk gaharu kemendangan A’; ‘Kacang’; ‘Abuk gaharu kemendangan TGC’

  2. ‘Kemendangan’ consists of: ‘Kemendangan A, B, C, TGC, (BC); White ‘Kemendangan’; ‘Teri Kacang’ (floating)

  3. ‘Gubal gaharu’ consists of: Double Super; Super A; Super B; ‘Kacang’; ‘Teri B’; and ‘ Sabah’ (submerged).

Price of Agarwood 
The selling price of agarwood starts from Rp. 50,000.- up to 30 million/kg. While the price for agarwood oil usually obtained through distilling low class agarwood starts from Rp. 50,000 – 100,000.-/ml.

Business prospect of agarwood
The trade center for agarwood in Singapore marketed an amount of 2000 tons/year of agarwood. About 70% of the agarwood originated from Indonesia and the rest i.e. 30% from other Southeast Asian countries. The natural forest could not fulfill the demand for agarwood. As an alternative agarwood originated from cultivation supports continuously the need of the world community.
If one cultivated agarwood tree produces 10 kg of agarwood (all classes), then about 200,000 trees/year should be harvested in order to fulfill the demand.

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