Monday, April 13, 2015


SUAR WOOD is one of the wood species typical of the tropics, especially Indonesia, which has a fairly good commercial value in the market. In Indonesia, tamarind wood is derived from some of the islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara, but it is possible if the wood is also known as flare wood can be found in other areas apart from the already mentioned that. Because the distribution of timber-tamarind tree is indeed quite fast and can grow anywhere in the Indonesian region.

In nature, tamarind wood supply with large size is still very much and often found. Therefore, the wood is widely used by the public (mainly timber industry) as carpentry. Ie, as a raw material for making furniture teak replace the natural supply in diminishing from day to day and also the price is very expensive. (Read around the high price of teak)Typically, furniture made from tamarind wood has its own characteristics, which further highlight the impression of robustness in design. That is, tamarind wood furniture from most of its components are made very thick and there may not be made with the sheer size of less than 3 cm. Especially at the top table (leaf table), the thickness of the wood used is 4 to 15 cm. Really hard to find the size of teak furniture.Besides being used for furniture, tamarind wood is also widely used as a raw material in the manufacture of a wide range of other high-value products such as to make veneer, doors, statues, carvings, and a variety of other craft products.To know more about tamarind wood, the following are some common traits tamarind wood or wood flare:tamarind wood or wood flarepicture 
The color of the wood surface: dark patio section (usually dark brown no black lines) while the sapwood is white. As the picture on the right, between the porch and part of sapwood really apparent limit. (Read understanding wooden terrace and wooden pig).Weight or Weight of wood: wood tamarind including heavy timber types, as well as acacia wood or teak. According, the average specific gravity of tamarind wood is 0.60, it means that is quite heavy.Level of durability: tamarind wood including wood species with a durable level of class IV

 Albizia saman, rain tree, or tamarind (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr. Synonym Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr.) Is a plant large trees, tall, with a very wide canopy. This plant was once popular as a shade plant. This tree has a few nicknames names such as Saman, Rain Tree and Monkey Pod, and placed in the genus Albizia. [1] The roots are very widespread made it less popular because it can damage roads and buildings in the vicinity. Its name comes from the water that often drips from the canopy due to its ability to absorb a strong ground water and dirt from the cicadas that live in trees.

Albizia saman is a species of flowering tree in the pea family. This plant originated from tropical America but is now spread throughout the tropics. In some places even considered disturbing because the canopy inhibit other plants to thrive.

Latin name tamarind tree is Samanea Saman (Raintree). This tree is originally lived in South America and now also live naturally in tropical weather. Can naturally achieve growth to a height of 25 meters and a diameter of 30 meters.
Called Rain Tree (Rain Tree) because water is often drips from the canopy caused by its ability to absorb a strong ground water. The leaves are also very sensitive to light and close simultaneously in cloudy weather (or dark) so that rain water can touch the ground directly pass through the thick canopy of the tree. Also colored green grass under the rain tree compared with the surrounding grass.
This tree is intended for a very wide public spaces such as gardens or parks, school grounds or yard that has a very wide area of ​​land.
Feature tamarind tree is very easily recognizable from the characteristic tree branches that will form as an umbrella shape. And this tamarind tree will grow goes beyond the height of the tree. Country of origin of this tree is used as a conditioning trees in plantations and gardens.
In addition to the above advantages turns tamarind tree is also able to absorb CO2 dozens of times of ordinary trees. Tamarind tree can absorb karbondiokasida 28.5 tons annually. (Diamaeter canopy 15 meters). Compare with the ordinary tree on average able to absorb one ton of CO2 in the 20 years of his life. Besides trees Trembesi also able to reduce the gas concentration effectively, without greening and has the ability to absorb a strong ground water.
Perhaps because of this ability to absorb CO2, the government launched a program of planting 1 Billion in 2010 with a tamarind tree as the main tree to be planted.

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